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Скачать Chivalry Medieval Warfare Deadliest Warrior

Тон у Deadliest Warrior не такой серьезный, как у Medieval Warfare. Мрачная, почти мартиновская стилистика сменилась кровавым.

Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior в SteamЧего стоит ждать от DLC Deadliest Warrior для Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

“If you already have Chivalry : Medieval Warfare, Deadliest Warrior is a fun Discover and download custom, player-made maps for your game.

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Многие играли в Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - инди игру от Torn Banner Studios, в котором нам приходится драться с супостатами на мечах, стрелять из луков, арбалетов, бить топорами и т.д. Игра поразила всех своей расчленёнкой, с помощью которой можно было унизить своего врага и показать насколько он беспомощен и слаб. Но сегодня речь не о самой игре, а о дополнении под названием Deadliest Warrior. Оно поражает своими масштабами. Как видно по роликам, то изменено почти всё: от анимации до оружия.

Информация по игре: Chivalry : Medieval Warfare Чего стоит ждать от DLC Deadliest Warrior для Chivalry : Medieval Warfare. сразу скажу, что для нормальной работы рекомендуется скачать версию игры с сайта.

Многие играли в Chivalry : Medieval Warfare - инди игру от Torn Banner Studios, в котором нам приходится драться с супостатами на.

Download it from Adobe.. Chivalry : Medieval Warfare - Deadliest Warrior Gameplay Spartan vs Samurai [HD] - Duration: 8:15. by Nessik.

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“A blissful bloodbath.” 8.1 – IGN “If you already have Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Deadliest Warrior is a fun expansion pack that offers a welcome change of pace from the main game if deathmatch-oriented matches are in your wheelhouse.” 8.0 – EGM Информация о дополнении Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior is a massive expansion pack for the best First-Person Slasher, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Featuring competitive online combat that seeks to capture the experience of truly being on a medieval battlefield. Inspired from the intensity and epicness of swordfighting movies such as 300, Gladiator and Braveheart, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare aims to bring that experience to the hands of a gamer. And now Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior will bring the most iconic warriors from the ancient world, epic new environments and all new game modes to the already expansive base game content. Every environment is an iconic homeland of one of the warrior factions. Fight in ancient Greek temples, kicking people into pits as a Spartan or run along moonlit roofs as a Ninja in a bamboo forest. Who is the DEADLIEST WARRIOR? Its time for YOU to decide. Key Features: All new classes including: Samurais, Spartans, Vikings, Knights, Ninjas and Pirates Faster, more diverse game play makes Chivalry 1st person melee combat even more intense Each warrior has a unique arsenal and abilities, which promotes more variety in play styles and forces players to adapt their strategy to the situation. All new weapons and animations 6 new environments, playable in many different game modes New Game mode "Multi-team" - up to 6 teams at once! Track your skills and stats in the new player profile screen Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда ты стреляешь из мушкета, а ниндзя ехидно съебывает в сторону перекатом. Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда тебе в ебло прилетает щит Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда играя за пирата ты бухаешь, чтобы было легче попасть Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это шшшшшшшш Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда мужики в юбках толпой дают ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ы тяжелому рыцарю Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда игра за пирата это образ жизни Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда ты играешь тяжелым рыцарем и вдруг тебе в спину ЕБЛЫСЬ КРОВЬ КИШКИ БЛЯТЬ пират с мушкетом, а когда ты подходишь к нему вполтную он затыкивает тебя саблей Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior - это когда ты хочешь применить тактику в битве команд, а твои мейты орут на всю карту YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH рекомендую ли я это ДЛС? КОНЕЧНО БЛЯТЬ! 10 бутылок рома из 10 When Deadliest Warrior came out, I stopped played Medieval Warfare. It reminded me how fun Medieval Warfare was when that first came out. It's a lot of fun, and It's challenging. There are no in game micro transactions (which Medieval Warfare started to introduce, and any game that does that immediately loses my interest). The developers have not (or at least i haven't noticed) changed the gameplay or unit balances, again something they started to do with Medieval Warfare. if you have Chivalry, you must buy this too. Today i finded out that Torn Banner Studios are lazy. This game shouldn't be a DLC. This is so badly optimized, gaming laptops can hardly run it. It's always 5-10 fps. The problem is that Nvidia/AMD doesn't reconize Deadliest Warriors has a game, since it's a DLC. This is one of the reasons why i dislike the game. The other one is that THIS GAME IS ABANDONNED! Torn Banner Studios are SOOOO lazy they forgive about this and prefer adding microtransaction (hats) to Medieval Warfare. Really? Chivalry is way more enjoyable to play since the hud is better done (The cursor is changing color when you hit/miss an ennemy) and way more enjoyable. The game have no mission maps. The character selection is poorly made. My idea is to make this game a Stand Alone. All Deadliest Warrior owners will got a Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior game in his library. Nvidia/AMD will then reconized it has a SEPARATE game (It will have his own .exe launcher) and we will finally be all able to enjoy it. Please like this so Torn Banner can see it. This REALLY NEED to be done Where do I start... I love Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior almost as much as I hate it. I might as well start from the good. The idea of the game is good and the formula improves upon its predecessor, but this one is targeted more for fun, rather than the competitive experience Medieval Warfare was. The class roster is well rounded and everyone is guaranteed to find a warrior that fits their playstyle. The combat system is essentially the same as in the previous game with some improvements- as in, the blocking now works more reliably, the combat seems faster, less clunky and more exciting, with a far better flow to it. The game also looks and sounds great: the models are detailed, the enviroments are pretty and the sounds are particularly well done- both the combat and the voicework, which, considering it wasn't done by proffessional actors, is nothing short of amazing. Now the bad. This game is a buggy mess. It's not on the verge of unplayable, but you WILL get killed in combat due to game errors, and it is extremely frustrating when that happens. All sorts of things can happen- swings going through perfectly placed blocks, hits not registering even though the weapon clearly passed through the enemy, getting hit out of range while clearly seeing your opponent miss, animations can desync, making you receive damage without ever seeing the swing that delivered it, etc. Also the maps, while decent looking, have all kinds of objects with invisible hitboxes that you can get stuck on while moving, or your weapon can hit plain air and cancel the swing, costing you a fight. It happens and it happens frequently and it is extremely annoying. Then there's also the balance issues. The weapon roster in this game is impressive, yes, but it's terribly balanced. There are some weapons that just triumph over others and in certain cases there's just no reason to pick an inferior weapon. The classes that seem to have a somewhat balanced roster of weapons are the Samurai, Viking and Pirate. The rest, however, have a superior weapon in their loadouts that generally makes the rest obsolete and rarely seen in high level gameplay. Which is a shame. Also, some weapon mechanics are unbalanced to the point of seeming broken- the Ninjato stab and the Spartan shield bash particularly come into mind. The former is riddiculously fast compared to any other attack in the game, which means you either guess right or you die, because there is simply no time to react accuarately, while the latter seems to have no reliable way to block it, again, relying mostly on luck. Both seem cheap, easy weapons to wreck an opponent with and stand out in constrast to the other weapons. And the final problem with this game is that there is almost no developer support. While its predecessor, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare gets frequent upgrades and balance patches, Deadliest Warrior, with all its issues I've mentioned here, has been that way from the start. It has been over a year now and none of them have been addressed. There hasn't been any attempt to balance classes, fix the multitudes of bugs, or even add something new, save for a few cosmetic items. The votekick system, the autobalance and the chat post-match have never worked propperly and still don't. Therefore, my final verdict is this. I can't in good conscience recommend this game to everyone. The only reason I play it myself is because I am a die-hard melee combat fan and both Chivalry games are currently the best the multiplayer game market has to offer in that category. But they are far from GOOD games. They can STILL be extremely fun to play- otherwise I wouldn't have dedicated almost 600 hours split between both games and counting. But at other times it can be an extremely frustrating experience and a constant disappointment in the regard of what it COULD be, but isn't, mainly due to apathy from the developer side. If you are, however, seeking a multiplayer melee combat game, then this is the best bet for now. If not, then there are far more well made and supported competitive multiplayer games out there and you should skip this one.

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